Roof leaks are a frustrating event for building owners, tenants, and property managers. The vast majority of leaks are caused by other system failures, such as HVAC units, skylights, windows, concrete/cement wall problems, and other items. Our experience with these various systems, and our ability to stop leaks at their source, have built our reputation for expert leak repair.

Interview building occupants to discover conditions leading up to water infiltration.
Our process starts with the people who live or work in the building. They often provide helpful clues, such as what conditions were present before the leak occurred, how often the leak happens, what type of weather triggers the leak, whether the leak has had a progressive pattern, etc.
Do a general survey of the roof and its components, looking for obvious signs of failure or typical suspects.
This is often where other companies start and stop, which is why many roof leak repairs do not successfully resolve the problem. With more than 30 years experience, we often have enough data at this point to be confident we’ve found the source and can resolve the leak.
Gather clues from the inside out, using experience and thorough observation.
Our technicians always bring their flashlights and ladders. They crawl through attics, peer into drain lines, inspect conduit and insulation, and inspect other items looking for moisture trails.
Exhaust the obvious possibilities, then dig deeper.
Many leaks are not caused by failures in the roof itself. Unlike most roofers, our technicians are experienced in many other building components that typically lead to “roof” leaks. They inspect HVAC units, the waterproofing of various items, window glazing, any retrofitted electrical components, and other non-roof systems to detect the source of a hard-to-find leak.
Pin-point exactly where the water is entering the building.
Water may be discovered coming from the ceiling in one location, but often it traveled to get there. Determining the precise location the water is entering the building can be complex, but it is critical.
Take corrective action even if the source has not been 100% confirmed.
Occasionally, even after the most thorough examination, the source of the leak can not be confirmed. By making smaller, relatively inexpensive repairs on the most probable sources of leaks, we solve the problem 7 out of 10 times in the most cost-effective way. This approach can save owners significant money by helping them avoid an immediate re-roof, as well as by preventing future problems that could cause more damage and expense.